A phenomenological examination of racial injustice in people of African descent

Hello and Welcome!

Thank you very much for your interest in my project.

My name is Guilaine Kinouani and I am a final year Doctoral Clinical Psychology Student at Staffordshire University.

I am conducting a study as part of my Doctoral thesis which aims to explore the experiences of Black people in relation to racial injustice. The study defines racial injustice as: ‘any act of injustice or unfair treatment towards Black people as individuals or as a group; carried out at interpersonal, institutional, societal or historical level; which is influenced by race’.

I am looking for Black people to please take part. By Black I mean people who identify as Black African, Black Caribbean, Black British or ‘Black other’. 

You will need to be UK based.

To participate, you will be asked to meet with me for one audio-recorded interview which will last about 1 – 1½ hours. Interviews will be carried out via skype and will involve talking to me about your experiences of racism as well as, how you make sense of the research vignette. What you say will be subject to confidentiality.

It is possible that participation in this study may cause emotional distress and anxiety in some individuals. However, you will have full control over what you share and, you may opt not to answer any question.

This site contains all you need to know about the study and, I would invite you to spend some time reading the information sheet (which you can access here); to help you decide.

If like me, you feel this is an important study and would like to help, please get in touch. 

You can do so by contacting me via email (k038943a@student.staffs.ac.uk), by telephone on 07523607592 or by making contact with me via Twitter (@kguilaine) to arrange a time to speak. I will then be able to answer any query you may have and, if appropriate, we may plan a meeting.

Please note, that it may not be possible to include all those wishing to take part in the study as only a small number of participants can be interviewed and, I aim to speak to a relatively diverse group. To that end, if you are interested to take part, I will please, when we speak, ask you to confirm:

– your city of residence
– your ethnic group
– your age
– your gender identity

What you tell me will be treated in the strictest confidence (the information sheet gives you more details about how your data will be treated) however, if there is any information you would rather not share, feel free not to.

I am very excited to be able to carry this study, and I hope you will join me!

Warm regards,

Guilaine Kinouani


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